
Since 2010, Commissary Shopper has been in continuous publication and distributed to CONUS commissaries. Each issue contains 27 high-value coupons for the brands you know and love, available at your commissary.

There are currently 150,000 flyers being produced and distributed across the US every 60 days.

Our mascot SHEP is a Commissary Working Dog because we are a Proud and Official Sponsor of:

  1. The United States War Dogs Association supporting our Active Service and Deployed Military Working Dog Teams and

  2. America’s VetDogs specializing in placing highly-skilled service and guide dogs to individuals with physical injuries, PTSD, hearing and vision loss, and seizures. We do this by donating 10 cents for every redeemed coupon with our “Dimes for War Dogs & Veterans” program.

Interested in getting involved with us or any of the organizations we support?
Contact us today and find out how!


Commissary Shopper provides additional brand awareness, valuable offers, savings alerts and contests via our social media pages.

Want To Know More? Follow Us Online.